The Training Rules of Discipline for Monks and Nuns – to encourage the abortion is a major serious offense – a parajika offense that leads to expulsion of that person from the Sangha (the Community of Monks and Nuns), makes a monk or a nun defeated and can no longer be called a son or daughter of the Buddha.


From Islam and the Abortion Debate: “Generally speaking, Muslim jurists have always viewed the fetus as the precious origin of human life. The womb is perceived as a fragile vessel that carries a unique human soul, and hence deserves safeguarding

Abortion can be allowed before the soul is blown to a fetus. After this period, which is usually 120 days, abortion is not permitted. Abortion after the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the womb is absolutely forbidden and is considered a crime against the law of God, and the fetus. From the Islamic point of view, the illegitimacy of aborting a fetus does not depend on the issue of whether … Abortion One of the main considerations in the Islamic discourse on abortion has to do with the concept of ensoulment. Strangely, the Qur’an has no concept of the neo-Platonic soul-body dualism that has come to be almost unanimously accepted as the Islamic weltan-schaaung. What does Islam say?

What does islam say about abortion

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Defending abortion essay how to incorporate sources into an essay, brief  rostar hat id, Do you need Jotaro - STAR PLATINUM Roblox ID? because I say so, but because the premises of the sentence are not supported by WP:V + WP:RS. Subject: ABORTION COUNSELING - BANGLADESH Indigenous abortion women abortionists: their perceptions and practices / Shamima Islam, Women. The Quran does not directly address intentional abortion, leaving greater discretion to the laws of individual countries. In Islam, the fetus is believed to become a living soul after 120 days' gestation, [1] and abortion after that point is viewed as impermissible.

Importantly, the law does not allow for abortions after 24 weeks without a medical justification. Many of these abortions are fully in line with Jewish law but previously had been more legally

To talk about abortion in the Bible, first we have to talk about what the Bible says about human beings. Abstract: This paper provides an overview of legal, religious, medical and social factors that serve to support or hinder women's access to safe abortion services  There are different beliefs amongst Muslim about when a foetus becomes a person. Muslims believe that the soul is breathed in by the first 42 days of pregnancy  As will be shown, in the processes of regulating Islamic dress, halal slaughtering, .

abortion is discussed not in the language of rights – to life or choice – but of ‘benefit and harm, with the intent of relieving as much human suffering in all its states, stages and situations as circumstances allow’, with an emphasis on reducing the circumstances leading women to feel that they need to have an abortion.

King David illustrates this most beautifully in Psalm 139. Although there are no “anti-abortion” passages, the Bible is clear that God is the Creator of life and all life is precious, born and unborn. So, what does the Bible say about abortion? God is the Giver of Life. God took the dark and formless nothingness and made all things, including man.

Islam's approach to the issue of birth control and abortion is very balanced.
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What does islam say about abortion

Remember that although some Muslim law schools say that abortion may be allowed in some cases, they do not support it. Abortion can be allowed before the soul is blown to a fetus. After this period, which is usually 120 days, abortion is not permitted. Abortion after the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the womb is absolutely forbidden and is considered a crime against the law of God, and the fetus.

In general, Muslim authorities consider abortion as an act of interfering the role of Allah (God), the only author of life and death. However, different Islamic The Ruling of Abortion in Islam, Abortion is the removal of a foetus from the womb; either by consumime contemporary scholars have given a dispensation to abort the pregnancy after 120 days, in the situation where the life of the mother is in certain and absolute danger. This is based on the Juristic principle stated in the books of Usul al In the some dire situation of absolute necessity, abortion may become permissible provided the foetus is less than 120 days. Qaadhi Mujahidul Islam in his book ‘Family Planning and Abortion’ has stated abortion within the period of the foetus being less than 120 days is permissible due some excruciation situations, such as: 1 – It is not permissible to abort a pregnancy at any stage unless there is a legitimate reason, and within very precise limits.
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Muslims' views on abortion are shaped by the Hadith as well as by the opinions of legal and religious scholars and commentators. In Islam, the fetus is believed to become a living soul after four months of gestation, and abortion after that point is generally viewed as impermissible.

The Catholic church does not allow abortion under any circumstances. 2.1 Legislation in Sunni Islam Regarding Abortion. The four recognized schools in Sunni Islam are quite divided on the issue. Sunni scholars generally consider that the Quran does not provide a definitive answer about an intentional abortion, and Sunnis often rely on the following Bukhari hadith to resolve the question: According to Hanafis, pregnancy out of wedlock [zina] is a valid excuse for conducting an abortion. According to the preponderant opinion implemented for fatwa, abortion is absolutely prohibited whether before or after the fetus ensoulment except if there is a necessity permitted in the shari'ah.